QNU today

7 Teaching Achievements Awarded Provincially in 2022


Recent news has found that QNU has been awarded 7 provincial teaching achievements in 2022, issued by the Education Department of Fujian Province. Among all these 7 teaching achievement awards, there are: for higher education, 1 grand prize, 2 first prizes, and 2 second prizes; for primary education, 1 first prize; and 1 first prize for vocational education. The number of the awards takes the lead among universities and colleges of the like in Fujian Province. Meanwhile, The Innovation and Practice of Four-Togetherness: Four-Comprehensiveness, Four-Levels in the Teaching System of Nanyin Courses, and Double-Ways, Double-Motives, Double-Effects: 10 years’ Exploration and Practice in Primary Education over U-S Collaborative Teaching and Research in Empowering the Policy of Alleviating Burdens for Efficiency are further promoted for the election of national higher education teaching achievement awards and primary education teaching achievement awards respectively.